Let’s play with titles is a game for all students of Italian. You can submit your playful sentence until the 20th January 2021 and compete for a surprise prize!
Goal of the game: to compose a complete sentence using at least 3 titles, from an Italian song, book or film.It is not allowed to change the titles, to cut or to add words to the titles. It is allowed to add and use punctuation. In line with the playful spirit of the contest you should aim for your sentence to be funny.It is allowed to submit more than one sentence. It is allowed to participate individually or as a team.
EXAMPLE: Il cielo in una stanza: azzurro! Ma il cielo è sempre più blu quando sei con me. Il cielo in una stanza: song by Gino Paoli. Azzurro: song by Paolo Conte, sung by Adriano Celentano. Ma il cielo è sempre più blu: song by Rino Gaetano. Quando sei con me: song by Benji & Fedez.
Each sentence must be sent to the email address: titoliamoestero@gmail.com by the 20th January 2021.
Further instructions on how to play can be found here