Applications are now open for the inaugural annual SIS EDI Excellence Awards.
The awards are designed to celebrate actions made towards increasing access and inclusivity within the discipline of Italian Studies.
There will be two awards made each year: one in the category of “Students” (undergraduates and taught postgraduates) and one in the category of “Staff and Researchers” (PhD students, early career academics, and faculty members).
Applications can be made through a process of nomination or self-nomination. In both cases, they should be accompanied by a brief supporting statement by either the applicant’s Head of Department, EDI Lead or equivalent staff member who can attest to the value and significance of the actions described (up to 200 words).
The applicant should provide a statement (of up to 500 words) detailing the action/s undertaken, the reach and significance for Italian Studies, and the beneficiaries of the actions. The applicant should normally be a member of the Society in good standing.
The Excellence Awards will both carry a small financial prize (£100 book tokens).
Example areas of action may include but are not limited to:
- Curriculum work and development
- Actions to make research inclusive (e.g. enhancing access to publications / events)
- Pedagogical methods
- Actions to make the research environment more inclusive
- Outreach actions with the aim of widening access
Applications should be sent to Dr Emma Bond ( before 23rd December 2021. Applications will be assessed by the members of the EDI working group, and winners will be announced at the January AGM.