Under the direction of Mario Gaziano, and led by Enza De Francisci (Senior Lecturer in Translation Studies, University of Glasgow), Tararà by Luigi Pirandello will be staged this summer in the author’s birthplace, Agrigento (Sicily). Tararà is based on ‘The Truth’, Cap and Bells, and The Rules of the Game and will be performed in its original language with English surtitles. The performance is scheduled for the 28th of June 2024, at the Circolo Culturale Empedocleo in Agrigento.
Translating Pirandello in Agrigento: City of Culture in 2025 is a project funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council Impact Acceleration Account in collaboration with the University of Glasgow. As Agrigento becomes Italy’s City of Culture in 2025, the project, led by Dr Enza De Francisci in partnership with the Pirandello Stable Festival theatre company directed by Mario Gaziano, is reflecting on the need to make theatre productions in Sicilian (a ‘vuleranble language’ according to UNESCO) more accessible for wider audiences as a way of safeguarding minoritised languages on stage.