Call for Contributions to the Journal PISANA
(Promozione Internazionale degli Studi e delle Analisi su Nievo Autore)
Founded and directed by Elsa Chaarani
A member of the second generation of the Risorgimento, Ippolito Nievo (b. 1831-d. 1861) has only
known, during his short spell in this world, the most unsettled and eventful, but also the richest years
of the Risorgimento. From that period where Italy’s fate was in no way sealed in a definitive solution,
from this dream of a not yet born society, from this acute historical consciousness, an extremely
original work was born, which was in a way inspired by the past and carried by some kind of an
extraordinary prescience of the future.
The journal has four columns :
– Articles (5 to 10) on Nievo’s life and works or on the historical context he knew.
– A column ‘Reading’ about texts by or on Nievo published between the years 2000-2019.
– Critical papers about texts by or on Nievo, or on the historical context.
– Bibliography in which works by or on Nievo recently published are announced.
The subjects are Nievo himself, his life and works, but also the historical context, the literary context,
the more or less famous people he met, from Garibaldi to Arnaldo Fusinato and Erminia Fuà or
Giovanni Arrivabene. The critical papers are about all of Nievo’s published works, about all of the
critical papers about him or his works, especially that of the past fifteen years, but also on historical or
literary analyses of the context.
The three languages of the journal are French, Italian and English.
It is published once a year, at the end of the year. The articles are selected to be re-read twice in a
double blind test. They then are re-read in view of publication by the members of the reading
Any interested person may send an email to the following: ; ;
– an article to be proposed (ten to twenty lines describing its contents et method) for N° 6 (to be
published in 2024) must be sent by October 2, 2023 at the latest; if it is selected by the reading
committee, the article must be sent by May 31, 2024, and will be re-read according to the
aforementioned fashion.
– critical papers on critical editions of works by Nievo, or other works about Nievo, his works or the
historical context.
The languages accepted are French, Italian and English.
Previous issues of the journal Pisana can be accessed here