The 2024 SIS PG Colloquium is taking place on the 6th of December at University College Cork. See the programme below.
2024 SIS PG Colloquium: Memory and Italian Culture
Friday 6 December, University College Cork
Dr Dora Allman Room, the Hub (in person)
9.15 – 9.45 Greetings and registration
9.45 – 10.00 Welcome remarks
10.00 – 11.15 Panel 1: Problematising Postcolonial, Migratory and Marginalised Memory
– Michele Baldaro (Ca’ Foscari University of Venice and Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt): “Memory and Narrative Positionality: Depicting the Italian Doctor/Colonial Other Relationship in the Post-war Period”
– Elisabetta Visaggio (King’s College London): “Sea Memory Environments: Ernesto De Martino’s orizzonte mitico-rituale as a Method to Transnationally Remember Economic Migrations from Southern Italy to North and South America 1890-1930”
– Francesca Passaseo (University of Texas at Austin): “Archive as Memory: The Role of Repositories in Shaping the History of the Wages for Housework Movement”
Chair: Silvia Vari (University of Warwick)
11.15 – 11.45 Coffee break
11.45 – 13.00 Panel 2: From the Second World War to the Present Day: (Re)mediating Memory and Historical Trauma
– Matilde Piu (University of Pisa): “Memory and Imagination: Renegotiating Holocaust Narratives in Włodek Goldkorn’s Il bambino nella neve”
– Cristian Bergonzo and Giuliana Pala (University of Bologna): “An ‘Improper Medium’ for Memory: Exploring Two Recent Cases of Memory Remediation”
– Irene Ros (University of Edinburgh and University of Strathclyde): “Performing the Collective Memory of Stragismo”
Chair: Dr Chiara Giuliani (UCC)
13.00 – 14.00 Lunch
14.00 – 15.00 Keynote 1: Professor Stefania Lucamante (University of Cagliari): “The Natural History of the Dead: from Ernest Hemingway’s WWI Narratives to Contemporary Historiographical Novels. History through the Lens of Nicoletta Verna and Ilaria Rossetti”
15.00 – 15.15 Coffee break
15.15 – 16.30 Panel 3: Reshaping the Past and the Future through the Urban Environment
– Zoe Fox (University of Birmingham): “The Eternal(ly) Changing City: Demolition and Roma Sparita in Visual Culture from the Risorgimento to Fascism”
– Claudia Sbuttoni (University of Gastronomic Sciences, Pollenzo): “Remembering Villaggio Giuliano: Postwar Memory and Resettlement in Rome”
– Giulia Bernuzzi (University College Cork): “Memory and Resistance: Contesting Climate Crisis and Identity in Antonio Scurati’s La seconda mezzanotte”
Chair: Elisa Vivaldi (University of Edinburgh)
16.30 – 16.45 Coffee Break
16.45 – 17.45 Keynote 2: Dr Silvia Ross (University College Cork): “Re-membering World War II through Ruins: Wounded Bodies, Memory and Regeneration in the Postwar Florence of Aldo Palazzeschi and Michael Ondaatje”
17.45 – 18.00 Closing Remarks