General resources
‘Why Decolonisation is not the same as EDI’. This Blog Post from LSE outlines the distinction between diversity initiatives and decolonisation. Decolonisation is an ongoing process which involves acknowledging and interrogating established norms, institutional structures and hierarchies of power: Diversity helps but decolonisation is the key to equality in higher education – Contemporary Issues in Teaching and Learning (
Mia Liyanage, Miseducation: decolonising curricula, culture and pedagogy in UK universities – HEPI (2020): A Higher Education Policy Institute debate paper which addresses some misconceptions of decolonisation, explains that decolonisation entails and outlines some practical steps institutions can take towards implementation.
Mia Liyanage on decolonising universities on Apple Podcasts : talks in more detail about the report above and the context in which it was written.
Times Higher Education Podcast: Decolonising the curriculum | Times Higher Education (THE)
Gurminder K. Bhambra, Dalia Gebrial and Kerem Nişancıoğlu, eds., Decolonising the University (Pluto Press 2018).
Jason Arday and Heidi Mirza, Dismantling Race in Higher Education: Racism, Whiteness and Decolonising the Academy (Palgrave Macmillan, 2018).
D. Tran (ed.), Decolonizing Teaching and Learning. An Entry Model for Grappling with Complexities (Bloomsbury, 2020)
Dave S.P. Thomas & Suhraiya Jivraj (eds.), Towards Decolonizing the University: A Kaleidoscope for Empowered Action (Counterpress, 2020) Series of podcasts exploring the different ways the higher education sector, institutions and individuals are discussing and understanding structural race inequality and the complexity of identity:
- Anti-Racist Curriculum Project – What we mean by Anti-Racist Curriculum
- The governing body role in stakeholder engagement
- Decolonising identity: can I get my ally badge now?
- Decolonising identity: today, world, I’m playing the part of…
- Decolonising identity: what’s in a name?
- Podcast: how has Covid-19 impacted on gender equality in HE?
On anti-racist pedagogy: Kyoko Kishimoto (2018) ‘Anti-racist pedagogy: from faculty’s self-reflection to organizing within and beyond the classroom’, Race Ethnicity and Education, 21:4, 540-554
Anne E. Wagner (2005) ‘Unsettling the academy: working through the challenges of anti-racist pedagogy’, Race Ethnicity and Education, 8:3, 261-27
Resources specific to Modern Languages:
Decolonising the ‘Modern’ in ‘Modern Languages’ ( In this video, Dr Ruth Bush (University of Bristol) reflects on what decolonisation means in the context of university language programmes which tend to focus on western European languages. What languages do/should we teach? Is ‘Modern’ a useful term in the name of departments and degree programmes? How can we move beyond national contexts and Eurocentric frameworks? Dr Bush argues for the foregrounding of translation and multilingualism, to enable students to move between different cultural and linguistic contexts.
Resources specific to Italian Studies
Resources specific to Italian Studies:
Siân Gibby and Anthony J Tamburri, eds., Diversity in Italian Studies (New York: Calandra Italian American Institute, 2021).
Charles Burdett and Loredana Polezzi, eds., Transnational Italian Studies (Liverpool: Liverpool University Press, 2020). really useful resource page for articles, films, etc to widen curriculum
“Diversity and Decolonization in Italian Studies” Recordings from the global roundtable series organized with Marie Orton, Graziella Parati and Gaoheng Zhang with the support of the College of Humanities at Brigham Young University and the Lesley Center for the Humanities at Dartmouth College.
‘Transnationalising the Word: A Decolonising Approach to the Teaching and Learning of Modern Languages’ held on 2 July: – recording may only be available to those who registered for the conference.
Rachele Borghi, Decolonialità e privilegio. Pratiche femministe e critiche al sistema-mondo, Meltemi, 2020 – Geografa pornoattivista accademica transfemminista, Rachele Borghi scrive per accademic* bianch* di teoria, posizionamenti, alleanze, e pratiche di decolonialità, in aula e fuori.
Sulla Razza: Podcast di Nadeesha Uyangoda, Maria Catena Mancuso:
12 parole in inglesi mancanti dal lessico italiano sulla razza: un podcast transnazionale e una risorsa molto stimolante per student* e collegh* di Italian Studies.
Tra due rive straniere – progetto sonoro di Alessandra Ferrini e Mackda Ghebremariam Tesfaù (2021): Installazione audio per un itinerario in 4 tappe nel Parco del Valentino di Torino e nelle rappresentazioni dell’Italianità. Un progetto di Fondazione Sandretto Re Rebaudengo e Biennale Democrazia in collaborazione con Black History Month Florence.
Black Identities: Practicing Antiracist Citizenship (8th November 2021)
- YouTube link:
- Event page with list of speakers:
Black Voices: Reclaiming Antiracist Spaces (10th November 2021)
- YouTube link:
- Event page with list of speakers: