
The Society for Italian Studies is creating a dedicated section of the website to support our Erasmus students in Italy. Below you can find a sample of useful resources which will be regularly updated in ‘Resources’.

WeSchool, merged with the OilProject in Italian Literature, offers a number of video lectures on Italian literature. The resources are in Italian.
Teche Rai includes a wide range of contents on Italian history and cinema. Students in Italy should be able to access these resources
The Accademia della Crusca provides valuable resources for language and history of Italian language [see ‘Scaffali digitali’ and ‘Lingua Italiana’]
Loescher, Italiano per stranieri offers a broad range of web resources for teachers and students of Italian, including exercises, progress tests, texts
Impariamo italiano is a comprehensive textbook to learn Italian. Its website offers extra materials and contents.
Rai Cultura has a new portal dedicated to schools and covers a broad range of subjects, including Arte, Letteratura, Musica, Cinema, Teatro Danza, Filosofia, Scienza.
La Civetta is an Italian/English magazine published by the Department of Italian, University of Bristol and run by students. Includes articles in both languages about the Department, Culture and Society, Travel, Cuisine, our Year Abroad students and their experiences in Italy, etc.
Cinema italiano is a play-list of Italian films, especially 1940s-1960s, available on YouTube