Conference Report | Engaged Visuality | Rome 7-8 July 2022
International Symposium Engaged Visuality. The Italian and Belgian Poesia Visiva [...]
International Symposium Engaged Visuality. The Italian and Belgian Poesia Visiva [...]
Partly funded by the Society of Italian Studies, the College [...]
Meta-Story a Hundred Years On: Beyond Short Fiction in Pirandello [...]
Collaboration and Co-Creation in Italian Studies Trinity College Dublin, 07-08/07/2022 [...]
A day-long exploration of 600 years of collecting Italian books [...]
Organised by Eleonora Lima (Trinity College Dublin) Michele Maiolani (University [...]
Wednesday 27 April, 6pm Homage to Gianni Celati [...]
The Italian Institute of Culture in Edinburgh & Italian [...]